Wednesday, October 3, 2012

24 hours left

I’ve been avoiding writing here because that means the marathon is almost here and it is really almost all over. I feel simultaneously exhilarated and petrified that Sunday I will be running 26.2 miles around the city of Chicago. It is a weird sensation to realize that after four months of working towards a goal the time has come to actually follow through with it...

Last week was weird. I had a really busy week at work paired with a few awful nights of sleep and less running. However, after a pretty restful weekend where I got ten hours of sleep two nights in a row I have been feeling a bit better. My taper has been a struggle so far. I probably have not cut back as much as I should and my legs are not too happy about it. They feel okay and I am hoping that by taking tomorrow and Saturday off (with only a short 3-mile run on Friday) they will feel a bit fresher come Sunday. 

On the flipside – my appetite has quadrupled since my taper began despite the mileage decrease. I honestly do not remember ever being so hungry even when I was running 60 miles a week. Mentally I feel like I have gained 1 million pounds when in reality it has been about two. I know, and have read, over and over again that gaining 2-5 lbs during your taper is not a big deal and is actually to be expected if you’re doing it correctly. However, in my mind, any extra weight will add precious seconds onto my miles while I am running, which will clearly lead to all my hard work being thrown out the door. Crazy, right? I guess they don’t call it taper madness for nothing. This isn’t a vanity thing either, just a mental thing where in my head less weight=moving faster. Regardless, I am eating non-stop and actually enjoying it. What is will power? Because I can’t remember

My biggest weakness. Have eaten my weight in these.
Speaking of food, I am looking forward to some awesome food, friends and family while in town this weekend! That is really what is keeping me from having and anxiety attack. Monday morning will start off with breakfast as my favvvvorite place next to my parents with amazing crepes, Dunkin Donuts will be consumed at least once, sandwiches with the GOOD deli meat I’m too cheap to buy at home, boxes (not bowls) of Captin Crunch (the peanut butter kind Ben doesn’t like!), pretty sure pizza and some sort of baked good will also be involved at some point. Not to mention the quality time I get to spend with the people I love! Nothing brings people together quite like a good old fashion marathon. 

So, in just about 24 hours from writing this post I’ll be on my way to Chicago and what I have been working and pushing for will come to fruition on Sunday morning. So, Yes -- I have been obsessively hitting refresh on the weather forecast. Yes, I have made at least three different packing lists and am already 85% packed. Yes, I am second guessing every training decision I made the past four months. Yes, I wan to throw up a little bit every time I think about standing at the starting line Sunday. Yes, I've google "last minute marathon tips" about 20 times... daily.

But frankly I just keep trying to remind myself that all of the hard work is behind me. I have put in the time and logged the miles and barring some disaster nothing is going to change how I do this weekend. I've done it once and I know I can do it again. 

Finishing the Utah Valley Marathon


  1. So excited for u to be in Chicago!! I know u will kick major butt this weekend. I believe it's supposed to be a little chilly this weekend, so u should have nice running weather :)

  2. Go, go, Lizz. We are cheering you on in Utah. Enjoy The time with your family. Love ya.
