Thursday, March 21, 2013

Run and Fun

I went into this week pretty confidant I wouldn’t be able to get up for a single run. After waking up this morning to an alarm that started with a 4… I am happy to say I actually made it through. I have been having a lot of fun since last Wednesday, like real life non-running fun, but that also means sleeping less and not eating as well as I should. For me it isn’t about cutting out all the bad as making sure I get all of the good, which I haven't been doing at much... 

Anyways, here is a recap of some of my runs and some of the fun starting with last Wednesday.

Run: I did 12 miles. They were just “general anaerobic” miles, but I threw in a few hills and did the last mile at GMP. Lately in the mornings I’ve been watching Dogs 101 while I’ve been running. I could probably write a whole post about how awesome that has been. I want a dog more than ever. 

Fun: Ben and I went to our friend Jordan’s wedding!

Chase may or may not have been present.
Ben and Jordan have been best friends since High School and I’ve had the chance to spend a lot of time with him over the years. Just for some perspective on what an awesome friend he is he has not only helped us move before but also on a separate occasion used his parents SUV to pick up a couch for us. We were really excited for him and his new wife Katie! 

They had an awesome Ice Cream bar at the reception. I am pretty sure that day my food ratio was 50% normal food, 50% ice cream. 

Friday was another great day.

Run: I did 10 not so fun miles. They weren’t the hardest ones I had ever done, but I was verrrrry sleepy, which made them not enjoyable.

Fun: I left work a little early because of some extra comp time I had from doing weekend events. It was beautiful out so I treated myself to a diet coke, and planted myself on the couch for a while. 

This is the actual picture I sent my sister because I was so excited to get a Diet Coke. True story.

Ben and I ended up going to Wal-Mart to look at flowers to plant in our little garden area outside our apartment. Then in a spur of moment decision we met Ben’s parents for dinner! It was so much fun and something we should really do more often. They treated us to Outback, and while the service wasn’t the best, the company really made up for it.

When we got home Ben and I were craving something sweet (it was almost 10:00, which for me is practically 2am) and I made us some spur of the moment chocolate chip cookies. I only had 1/3 stick of shortening so I had to play with the recipe a little, but they turned out okay.

Saturday morning didn’t start out great, but it got better.

Run: Was awful. Worst. Run. Ever. I was supposed to do 15 and I barely clawed my way past 9. Not even watching Hitch could keep me going. I don’t think the fish for dinner the night before helped. I told myself I’d go back and finish my run later, but my body needed food and rest more than miles.

Fun: Visiting with Brooke and Remy! 

My sister-in-law and my lovely niece are in town (and my brother gets into town today!) so we met Brooke, her mom Rosemary and her brother Colton for Zupas – mine and Ben’s favorite. We went back to Rosemary’s after dinner and had fun sitting around, talking and catching up. We ended up stopping at our favorite pizza place on our way home to pick up a pie. Unfortunately, the place changed ownership and the pizza just wasn’t the same. Still good, but just not amazing like it was before.

Sunday was my dad’s birthday!!

My dad is awesome and wonderful and the coolest dad ever. Not to mention my run-spiration.
Run: I somehow pulled out the 15 miles I was supposed to do the day before. Thank goodness Mondays are my rest day, because I was more than ready for a rest.

Fun: The rest of Sunday was pretty standard. I bribed my Sunday School kids with brownies to make them participate, called my parents to wish my dad a Happy Birthday, watched too much TV and ate too much food.

This week I thought my runs would be really hard, but they have been going much better. Monday I rested – no physical activity for me! I had a great tempo run Tuesday with 5 miles at my 15k pace, easy recovery run yesterday and an awesome 10 mile run this morning with hills and speed pickups included.

AND I have another excited weekend ahead of me.

Run: Tomorrow is another easy recovery, Saturday is a long run of probably about 18-20 miles depending on how I feel and Sunday is another recovery run before my rest day!

Fun: Friday I am getting my hair cut and colored with Abby; hopefully either Friday night or Saturday sometime I’ll see my brother Philip, Remy, Brooke and her whole fam again; Sunday I am going to church with Philip and Brooke and to a reception for her brother, who is leaving to go on a mission for our church for the next two years in England. I’m also planning on some Ben time in there somewhere! 

What is something fun you did this past week?

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